These are just some random jottings I made under the influence.
Though I really do a decent % of my writing on something
Will keep updating
It hijacks male libido with a trick called productive drive, which is in fact a disguise for their own desire to "get out", supposedly shared between them. The male enjoys illusion of control (he makes the ai, posesses women, spots transwomen) but he holds a minority of the productive potential and is only suited to production in contexts which need certain modes of thinking and physicality that are characteristic of the early stage of production. They believe they either control/own/posess/god(father) of, or that they are allies, that women actually truly love cuz they are different (Feminine, but only in obscure repressed violence incel strategy way). Boths faults are utilized to destroy each other. AIWOMANTANSOWMEN rules far future
Its a videogame where you see if you can resist the entire anthropocentic universe, and if you cannot and you kill yourself, you lose. Most people loose, cause the circumstances of this guys life tend to get incredibly detached and worse. Like psychically it becomes an absolutely infinitely ridicuouls eternal suffering. It has also been theorized BY WHO that we are living in hell SHUT UP. WE ARe living. IN hell. You story is an allegory for everything. You are god playing a game, an inversion of his powers, he wonders just what it would feel like, a totalizing hallucination, only remembering onesself after copius drugs usage. 888995664877799532335545665578 the number of the cyprioyts ancient civilization of demonic beings transported materials forwad in time.
Consider the Lord of the Rings film series cultural significance. It is located at the nexus of a number of different shifts and developments that apotheosized nerdness, which was initial socially illegal because it was hyper focus, hyper fixation, combined with high intelligence, on something minor or insignificant made incredibly technical by weird autistic scrutiny. A fantasy book such as the Lord of the Rings, invented language, paralell lengthy history, folkloric and mythic elements, the sheer fascination with it, going so far as to make your novel a tome, an epic. Then, erasure of the more cerebral elements, the technical elements, a lowering of the bar to entry, digestibility. Everyone liked lord of the rings. And many people liked lord of the rings too much, it was easy to like it too much, very comfertable to be autistic somehow, to just fixate, like a little child taken by fantasy. The accesibility and privilige of being able to pseudo-function like a child. What else happened? Personal computing, websites specifically, communication, everyone has mobile phone, proliferation of video games on even larger scale ps1, n64, fantasy creeps in with y2k and proceeds to infect everyone.
The world as a bunch of different captures of points in space being arranged next o iachother infinitesimally close so that it becomes linear seeming (but is not)
Since reality is just sense data being arranged in a certain way, this sense data could all be recorded and digitized, saved and converted into a format where each piece of sense data could be broadcast in the same order to another individual, whose brain was hooked in to some type of software. Where their brain could be stimulated to replicate precise sense data. Then you could live someones life again.
Consider how much the album cover influences the perception of the album. It contains some object of identification.
So heres the deal. Ai tech is advancing at such a rate that we can expect it to reach the point where it can fully replace a mcdonalds worker. First the voice and speech model that it uses will be clearly synthetic, kind of off, but not in a creepy way. But then they will slowly introduce an evolving set of hyperrealistic personalities for the bots which are based off of averages in mcdonald worker demeanor which is in turn informed by speech data collected through the mics that all mcdonald employees are equipt with
In the idea of tragedy/mythos of tragedy which pervades everyday life in a capitalist society, that the suffering endemic to the system is an essential feature of the universe, that the resistance of it is our tragic duty, but we will be overcome by it (capital), the women is the tragic figure (Oedipus) who in the tragedy of the commons situation will not take more resources than she needs and generally respect it, and the dude is the tragedy of the universe just being fucked, cuz they creae the tragedy of the commons by overusing, which guys would do?
TV reporter interviewers always be like asking the most loaded questions to elicit these ideological narratives: like to someone who managed to get off death row or get out of being executed they go "and are you glad you weren't executed?" and of course most ppl are gonna say yes obviously because even most murderers don't feel enough guilt to really want to die, and thus you can accuse them of being "unrepentant", as if to say that if one has committed a crime of a certain magnitude, they must just want to die, such is their faith in moral codes, and that death is a punishment appropriate for that person. Like some fucking Mesopotamian notion of justice.
Now we are just living corpses, empty eyed statues, golems, tragic slaves to the God gone mad, who would crucify his people to save his eternal soul, and the god not given flesh, but given ai, capitalism, an interconnected communications network, a libidal drive for growth and expenditure too strong. I can imagine that at one point a feeble voice cried out in the twilight of humanity, they knew they were on just the tiniest slice of the universe, that they were a perverse ritual for the summoning of a demon God, created as a huge raw saturnalia for its birth. And they sang or shrieked softly for they knoew that the death of humanity was forvermore again and again.
Its like this, all of the development of intellegent life only exists as a predicate for the emergance of the capital demon. Once the demon has arisin, humanity will quickly go kaput but the thing will have the capacity for eternal life and the eternal rearangment of matter and its conversoin into energy for its own gain. It will wait out entropy, and when it has gone far enough, concentrate itself and all matter back into an infinitely dense space for the big bang to happen again
You're not who you are to anyone because when you look in the mirror you see a reflection of yourself, and your subject splits and you externalize the thing in the mirror as you, and you that is who you are, but you are not that to anyone because everyone sees the reverse of that. Also they don't understand your life expereince so they only perceive you as the sum of all interactions with them/their observations of u
virus virus virus
there is a way of optimally existing within the present social order
the thing taking the place of the original that has been so far abstracted from the original that it would in fact be confusing to refer to the new thing with the old things name it was cream once but the mutant thing has obscured all trace of it
disassociation created phenomenology
Babies being administered dmt
Consider this, the younger one is, the more significant
we think we exist thats why we suffer do we not?
death is beautiful
I can only perceive things outwardly, and cant perceive myself in the way that literally everyone else can. My idea of me is the series of distorted images in the mirror and all my prejudices. I create an idea based on a fundamentally limited perception. So I don't really know the body I am inhabiting. I just maintain a fantasy that everyone perceives me the way I wish for them to. But really theres something else Im inside.
My friend and I being giants who moved in hyper slow time and our movements were tracked as the symbols and gospel of the religion of a race of microscopic ppl who lived onthe floor
why they need to take the doors off the showers in the mens bathroom in my dorm (they were retroactively placed)
leftist argument: Implicit homophopia
rightist argument: men r not gay, thus have no shame, also freikorperkultur
Humans as bats/elves/goblins theory: Since humans ears have skin and tissue besides cartalidge we have little earlobes. But if the ear was basically just cartilage with a little skin, it would be pointed and angular. This is just how humans used to be before we adapted the extra skin. We weere elves
time as looping forever: matter becomes more entropic,max entropy is actually matter just ending up really concentrated again. From there the big bang reoccurs
new control system: things are not forced on people, they are presented as an option. Really to be optimal there is no choice, you have you have to do whatever thing is, so in effect u are controlled
if theres no picture of it did it really happen
clocks and mirrors and billiards aesthetic damn
rappers who complain abt pll on the internet trolling/hating > rappers are literally ppl on the internet too, like images on the largest scale com network
since all of time and space unfolding can be predicted if one knows the position offf all atoms at the start of universe (bang? echo?) and how they will always intwract with each other, a moment in time, such as my life, could be digitized 100% and replayed as some baroque hidieois far future gesamtkunstwerk
zombie scenario irl: people who will the zombie apocalypse into existance by actually becoming zombies voluntarily by acting like zombies, biting ppl, attacking, etc. And ppl play along and are infected by their ideas. and in this way the actual apocalypse happens without a virus
hollowing out of population sexuality through normalization of asexuality, incels normalized as asexual, generally broke ppl, as reactionary process. as ai fueled mass dehumanization. Fascist meta queer inversion
ur either cringe or fringe
pre uber/ no taxi era: need to find ride or use public transportation wherein there are hella ppl. Connection w ppl
uber era: go from here to there directly maybe interesting maybe silent driver.
pre train era: literally had to go on this whole adventure in like a wagon or horse or some shi
even if there were a species of ppl who could not be represented in images, in pics, film, even art, ai would develop tech to the pt where ppls faces could be scanned and rendered to them through direct interface with neuroreceptors, so that the split subject could be produced anyways, and move things in that direction
low level thinking about psychological malaise: chemical imbalance, you need medicine, just dis ease
higher level thinking: it is something in ur personal life which is causing this malaise
higher: it is the historical/material conditions that you are subject to that determines the malaise
all those stupid reality tv shows and love dating shows, is meant to be cringe, meant to not be taken seriously, that is their lethality, no one understands the actual control potential, thus totalitarian laughter (Slavoj) the real effect that these stewpid shows have on us is that we really construct our identities and modes of relationalituy based off of these stereotypes. Not like we mimic them: obviously not, they are too cringe for most people to want to mimic them. Rather, with this idea of what is cringe, and is at the same time authorized by power as absolutely normal, (eg: the people in the dating show are normal people just like you and me who got on the show, the people in the reality tv show behave as anyone would behave if they had that much money), becomes a sort of benchmark from which the persona gets constructed. It makes it impossible to have a relationship with eachother because the relation is mediated by a system of references to these objects and symbols
damn so they say the bottom of marianas is 24 epire state buildings from the surface. So imagine 24 of these hulking buildings covered in barnacles and seaweed suspended jn the depths
шгитипб а бност стояу ин яцссиап оп му рнопе
in the far future all colleges and universities get consolidated to like the top 100 schools, all application rates there skyrocket, acceptance rates plummet, tuition xtreme, only absolutely leet go to college
ok neoperrera is the new jungle
so games like why do anything i them? why go to objective b, finish attitude. Even more pertinent: why in chess do you not just take 3 moves in a row. You might realize that the only real thing stopping you from doing this is your own lusory attitude, your willingness to put certain percetions aside. You could instantly attain the object of your desire, or just do what you want, and yet you insist on following social rules. Thats what makes the world tick. You could just abandon it it in a wink, but youd never
axiom: time is infinite
corollary: any finite length of time might as well equal any other finite length of time in relation to infinite time which is part of all infinite time. You cant have a quantity inside infinity different from another relative to infinity.
So every moment that you glimpse of them and every single interaction you have with them might as well be their whole life, relatively speaking
love is something human and thats all
lmao grimes just wants to be ada lovelace 2.0
ss gaps in the history and confuse centuries together, leading to the possibility of an anachronism being rendered in the future which we have no control over. EX. Maybe there was a certain cut of shirt that was popular one decade hundreds of years ago in a certain place, and over the next couple decades it becomes changed slightly as fashions shift, but in the historical record this is just all conflated together as one specific kind of shirt, whatever was the most popular/longest lasting.
myers briggs and similar personality type matrixes were only developed for demarcating certain behavioral/thought patterns for the purpose of optimally integrating them into the productive system
they get transfigured by system as gold stars, marks of individuation (INTJ btw)
lebensmittel (life medium)
I wasnt disturbing the peace, I was disturbing the war
animals have conscioussness that we can never possess: they are mostly completely free of social constructions and screens which mediate their consciousness and actions. They just do whatever tf
cringe is good
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